Innovation by sm electrics


Leuchte Sounder New

In a New Light: Our Light Signal Alarm System

The journey of our signal light column started in 2002. Until today we have constantly improved our product
in terms of functionality and reliability.

After roughly 3.000 sold systems with about 30.000 signal light columns, we have gained significant insights about what is important. Based on the acquired knowledge from our long-term experience, we developed our own flash light and MED certified sounder, which allow us to meet any kind of upcoming requirements
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New Strobe Light

By developing our new warning light for the Light Signal Column
we created some unique advantages. 

  • Lower system prices, because only one single light is needed
  • Ability to display 7 different colors and 4 different flash sequences
  • Low costs for potential spare parts, because of the reduced number of luminaires
    Better signaling effect thanks to smart lens arrangement and high performance LEDs
  • Lower operating costs result from low power consumption (up to minus 85%) and more flexible system topologies as the overall system power consumption decreases
  • Expanded product life cycle due to advanced LED technology and intelligent control 
  • Different flash sequences allow individual adjustments if there are other devices with a similar flash sequenceIn contrast to conventional filament bulbs, there is no susceptibility to vibration and shock  
New Sounder

The MED and EN54-3 certified AGM 410.1.8.2 has been designed to generate alarm sound for various marine applications. The main field of application is the ship´s engine room. An alarm sound will be generated by applying 230VAC to the specific alarm input (CH#1-CH#8) and the enable input. In case more than one alarm sound is activated at the same time, the alarm sound with the higher priority will be generated (CH#1 highest priority, CH#8 lowest priority).

The specific sound characteristic of each alarm input can be modified within a protected service settings menu. The alarm sounds can be chosen from a variety of 64 different maritime sound characteristics. The sounder also includes various smart features, such as a sound soft start for safety at work.

LSAS new light bulb
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